Biometrics to facilitate contactless passenger journey at Lyon-Saint-Exupery

France’s Lyon-Saint-Exupery airport is set to trial a fully contactless system covering passengers from the point they register to boarding an aircraft. It will see a combination of biometric facial recognition technology and automatic gates, coupled with a passenger app (called Mona), harnessed to facilitate a fully contactless passenger journey.

The system is to be supplied by biometric specialists Idemia and systems integrator Resa Airport Data Systems. Under the system, passenger registration data is secured by a biometric match between their smartphone-based face image and scans of their ID document and boarding card. Idemia, which developed this element of the system, says it is a totally accurate and reliable identity management process.

This data is then coordinated with Resa’s latest automatic and biometric compact gate, dubbed Major e-Gate, which features an integrated camera allowing passengers to pass through to the security restricted area and then board their plane based merely on facial recognition.

The company states that the system is universal, secure and works on all airline systems thanks to Resa’s IATA-certified CUPPS. While this new service is subject to formal CNIL approval, to date CNIL (France’s national authority responsible for data privacy) has recommended it to safeguard passenger data and rights.

Idemia executive VP, identity and public safety, Philippe Barreau, commented, “This trial harnesses contactless biometric technology that gives users an unrivaled airport experience without letting up one jot on security. This bears out our capacity to constantly innovate to safeguard passenger trust and help pave the way for even smoother and more secure future travel.”

Resa CEO Renaud Willard added, “Current Covid restrictions forced us to rethink how to take care of passengers and their interactions with airport security staff and equipment. The biometric trial underway at Lyon Airport was made possible by French industrial collaboration, whereby hi-tech saved the day despite the current pandemic and economic crisis. We have shown here that passengers can pass through airport checks fully contactless and without handing over paper documents while shoring up security to boot.”