Lithuanian Airports join EASA Aviation Industry Charter for COVID-19

Lithuanian Airports have officially joined the Charter initiated by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and undertook the commitment to ensure the highest epidemiological safety standards, as well as to exchange information with other members of the Charter in order to manage the challenges faced by the aviation industry due to the pandemic.

The document of the Charter includes scientifically justified guidelines prepared by EASA, as well as the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) for airports and the airlines for maintaining measures to decrease COVID-19-related risks. Members of the Charter will exchange information every week, EASA will regularly assess the efficiency of the measures introduced at the airports and will assist in finding the solutions to the challenges inside the airports during the current pandemic more promptly.

Lithuanian Airports, just like other members that expressed their support to the initiative of EASA, signed the charter for COVID-19 in order to contribute to the prevention of the spread of the virus and to demonstrate that at the face of the pandemic all three air gates of the country are ready to work in accordance with the highest aviation epidemiological safety standards and to maintain constant cooperation with other interested parties seeking to decrease the disease spread risk.

According to the CEO of Lithuanian Airports, Marius Gelžinis, a wide variety of safety measures were introduced at the airports of the country as early as spring, at the very beginning of the pandemic, whereas this official membership at the initiative of EASA is merely the formalisation of actions and the expression of solidarity with the rest of Europe.

“Safety and security are the main priorities in the aviation industry, therefore we are always looking for methods to ensure the most suitable conditions for passengers at our airports. We are convinced that the standardization and unification of requirements among countries at the face of this pandemic is necessary, since constantly changing travel regulations are the main reason why people avoid travelling”, – states Mr. Gelžinis.