Curved conveyor belts


Curved conveyors change the direction in which items are moved on the conveyor itself. Standard curve angles are 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°, 135° and 180°, but any angles in between are possible, depending on the conveyor’s layout. They normally have tapered return drums, but some curve manufacturers also use cylindrical drums.

Technical Requirements of the belts
The key criterion for curved belts is an even distribution of force in the fabric in all directions (lengthways, crossways and diagonally) to ensure the belt tracks without any creases and bulges.

Our Solution
Thanks to a special tension member fabric, our curved belts guarantee outstanding distribution of force within the belt. Belts with C-fabric offer ideal force ratios of 1:1:1 lengthways, crossways and diagonally. Suitable surface patterns are available even for very fast belt speeds. All belts are cut to size on a CNC cutter and perfectly geared to the shapes of the different conveyors.