The ATC Simulator


The ATC simulator by Ansart is as a turnkey solution to satisfy the growing needs of air navigation service providers in effective ATC personnel training.

Featuring high-end technology and complying with ICAO and Eurocontrol standards and recommendations, the Ansart ATC simulator is a comprehensive and flexible system that can be used in a range of training applications, allowing ATC controllers to learn and improve their professional skills and master air traffic control functions in different operational environments and situations, including the most challenging ones, safely and efficiently.

The Ansart ATC Simulator is intended not only for training purposes, but it can also be used as a practical expert tool for evaluation and research activities (e.g. review of new air traffic control methods and procedures implemented as a result of changes to the airspace structure and continuous growth of air traffic intensity).

The Ansart ATC simulator supports all functions of modern air traffic management systems, provides 2D/3D tower visualization of up to 360 degrees, and is suitable both for basic and advanced training in all control areas: en-route, approach, tower, and ground.

Due to the use of cutting-edge solutions together with COTS hardware and open-source software, the Ansart ATC simulator is able to offer the best price/quality ratio in the market.

Combined Tower & Radar training

Simultaneous joint and/or independent training scenarios within a single system (simulators virtualisation)

Covering all types of training:

  • Basic
  • Refresher
  • Recurrent
  • Rating

Flexible composition and interchangeability of working positions.

3D visualisation

  • Highly realistic out-of-the-window 3D visualization up to 360 °,
  • 50+ Aircraft,
  • 25+ Vehicles,
  • All kinds of weather conditions,
  • Simulation of emergencies.
Any model of aircraft and vehicle can be created and customised by the user.

Exercise preparation

  • Automated and manual scenario generation
  • Up to 2 000 simultaneously simulated flights
  • Highly realistic and editable performance models and characteristics of aircraft, ground vehicles and surveillance sensors
  • Comprehensive editor tools for airspace and airports design

Playback & debriefing

Built-in recording and playback capabilities for precise interactive debriefing

Voice Communication System

Fully integrated software-based VCS or hardware-based VCS

Basic delivery package

  • 5+ airports with a 3D visual environment
  • 10 FIR airspaces
  • A comprehensive set of ready-to-use training exercises
  • Editors and exercise preparation tools
  • Any custom configuration and delivery package upon request
*A 3D model of any client’s airport can be created in 1 month