Global Airport News

Global Airport News

Workers facing the sack from an air cargo company detained a manager overnight at Paris' Roissy airport to push for better layoff terms, French media said on Friday.

Around 60 workers at Servisair Cargo prevented director Abderrahmane El-Aouffir from leaving the firm's offices after he refused to meet their demands in the latest case of so-called "boss-napping" to hit recession-bound France.

El-Aouffir had flown in from Britain to meet disgruntled staff, but workers told reporters he had little to offer.

"He's only offering to transfer us to new positions within the group as refuse collectors or 1,400 euros ($2,000) to leave," a Servisair worker told le Parisien, adding: "It's not enough and we're ready to go all the way."

There was no immediate comment from Servisair, a division of French industrial services group Derichebourg , on Friday.

Earlier this year staff at French plants run by Sony, 3M and Caterpillar protested job losses by holding managers overnight at their workplaces, while workers have also threatened to blow up factories to demand better redundancy payments.

French Labour Minister Xavier Darcos criticised the continuing militancy.

"Threats and ultimatums are not the answer to anything," he told French state television.