Border Management & Technologies Summit Europe

Event Information

IBMATA are pleased to announce that our next European Border Management & Technologies Summit conference and exhibition will take place on the 8th – 10th November 2021 in Brussels, Belgium.

Since our event in New Delhi in 2018, IBMATA has been working with WTTC and other partners to develop a vision for digital borders and seamless travel to take the hassle out of travelling without compromising security. Following workshops in Istanbul and Ottawa in 2019 – and a discussion panel with Border leaders at the International Summit on Borders in Washington DC in June 2019 – we have produced a White Paper setting out a roadmap for the border of the future which we are sharing with border agencies worldwide.

One of the key features of the paper is digital identities and the ever-increasing use of biometrics in immigration and border control solutions.

With the event taking place in the heart of the European Union it will provide attendees a great insight into the future of European borders. With a focus on the latest initiatives planned in the coming years, smart borders, digitalisation of borders and visas, cross-border crimes and new trends and technologies used to assist border agencies.

The Brexit debate has thrust Customs Agencies into the limelight. Regardless of the outcome there is a clear and pressing need to adapt traditional Customs processes into a more streamlined model fit for the future, which is sufficiently adaptable to change. Our expert panel spent much of 2019 developing alternative arrangements for the Irish border using state of the art technology and drive through systems. A session not to be missed!

To be part of the IBMATA Border Management & Technologies Summit please do not hesitate to contact us at

Event Profile

  • Speakers

    • Florent Goniva, Director General, Directorate of International Relations, Police Grand Ducale, Luxembourg
    • Tony Smith, Chairman, International Border Management and Technologies Association (IBMATA)
    • Bart Vrancken, Director eID Service, Ministry of Interior, Belgium
    • Samy Gardemeister, Director of Enforcement, Finnish Customs
    • Mindaugas Vyskupaitis, Councillor, European Commission
    • Christian Piaget, Acting Head, Cargo Border Management and Claims, IATA
    • Robert Post, Deputy Head, Targeting Center Borders, National Tactical Command, Royal Netherlands Marechaussee
    • Gorancho Stojkovski, Programme Manager – Border Security and Management Unit, Transnational Threats Department, OSCE
    • Marco Mantovan, Programme Manager, Technical Cooperation and Border Management, International Organisation for Migration (IOM)
    • Shanker Singham, Director, Institute of Economic Affairs
    • Hans Maessen, e- president, Dutch Customs Association
    • Professor James Ferryman, Computer Science and a member of the Computational Vision Group, University of Reading, United Kingdom
  • How to Register?

    To book your place at our Border Management & Technologies Summit Europe conference and exhibition please email


Allen House
1 Westmead Road
United Kingdom
