Another exceptional case history in the MC Solutions airport list!

Company MC Solutions Srl
Date 17.05.2024

Curved Approach Synchronization (the only one in Europe), ALCMS lighting remote control system PC based, radio link connection for extremely remote approach lighting sites spread on the surrounding hills, far outside the aerodrome.

This is the demonstration that each single gear is fundamental to make the aviation mechanism work perfectly: tailored and high tech remote control, Ryanair pilots trained and certified to land on the peculiar curved approach at Aeroporto dello Stretto Tito Minniti at Reggio Calabria, Control Tower Operators that got immediately familiar with the intuitive ALCMS and the support by all the staff on site! Congratulations! 👏 my personal gratitude to my MC Solutions colleagues … remote sites are never too remote for you!

New relations with airlines, the vitality of tourism, the commercial and therefore economic dynamism of a region, are closely linked to the technological creativity Made in Italy … Made by MC Solutions!

Thanks to: the general contractor Sielte Spa ENAV S.A.CAL. and ENAC – Ente Nazionale per l’Aviazione Civile for the great collaboration, Biagio Picarella and TE2C Engineering. Thanks to Ryanair Engineering Training Academy Ryanair – Europe’s Favourite Airline and to Roberto Occhiuto for testing the simulation experience at Ryanair of this complicated approach and drawing the attention on how the control of lighting visual aids is of course essential and beneficial to pilots and their passengers! (


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