Evergreen Aviation has installed Aviation Grade Artificial Turf (AGAT) at BGUQ - Qaarsut Airport

Company Evergreen Aviation ApS
Date 24.03.2023

AGAT was installed over a 2-day period to mitigate chipping from the gravel apron. AGAT is a type of synthetic turf that is designed specifically for use in aviation areas, such as aircraft parking aprons, and provides a durable and low-maintenance surface that reduces the risk of damage to aircraft from gravel and other debris.

This will greatly reduce the risk of damage to aircrafts and improve safety for pilots and passengers. The AGAT material is specifically designed to withstand the harsh climate and rough landing conditions in Greenland, making it a reliable solution for all airports in the country.

Additionally, AGAT also requires less maintenance compared to traditional gravel aprons, as it does not require regular raking and cleaning. This results in reduced maintenance costs and time for airport operators.

By implementing AGAT, Mittarfeqarfiit and Air Greenland have shown their commitment to ensuring a safe and efficient aviation experience for all their customers. This innovative solution is a great example of the industry’s efforts to find sustainable and practical solutions for the challenges faced in the aviation sector.

When the new helicopters arrived, they brought with them the challenge of broken windshields and chipped rotors. However, Mittarfeqarfiit – Greenland Airports, was well prepared and knew exactly what the solution was – AGAT.

The installation of AGAT at Qaarsut Airport has proven to be a game-changer for Air Greenland’s SAR operations. The AGAT solution effectively eliminated the risk of broken windshields and chipped rotors caused by the gravel apron, ensuring the continued operation of the SAR mission on the harsh coast of Greenland.

The AGAT solution was presented, by Evergreen Aviation to Air Greenland two years ago and with the arrival of new H155 and H225 Superpuma helicopters, it became evident that this was the solution they needed. The installation of AGAT not only mitigated the risk of damage to the aircraft but also ensured the safety of the crew and passengers.

The AGAT solution could potentially be implemented in all landing strips and aprons in Greenland, providing a safer landing zone for aircrafts and ensuring the continuity of SAR operations. With the installation of AGAT, Air Greenland has demonstrated their commitment to providing safe and efficient services to their customers.

In conclusion, the AGAT solution at Qaarsut Airport has proven to be a critical component in maintaining Air Greenland’s SAR operations and provides a safer landing zone for aircrafts. The AGAT solution could potentially be expanded to other landing strips and aprons in Greenland, ensuring a safer and more efficient aviation industry for the region.


Evergreen Aviation ApS
Kokkedal Industripark 2A
2980 Kokkedal
  • +45 39 29 99 99