Inflatable Aircraft Hangar


Hangars faster and cheaper
Delivery from 30 days and no need of construction permits. Large portable hangars that extend and speed up your operational capabilities, leaving no environmental footprint.

Focus on your job and let us take care of the facilities. Direct deployment of our structures to the terrain without building permits, groundwork and long preparation will save your time and money.

No approvals and permits
You don’t need any blueprints, approvals or building permits to use inflatable hangar. In terms of regulations, our portable facilities are considered temporary even if you use them permanently. Save a significant amount of time caused by lengthy paperwork and restrictions. Get the flexibility to have a facility wherever and whenever you need.

No groundworks
Our structures do not require foundation or groundworks prior deployment, and they can be erected directly to the existing terrain. We have set up buildings on concrete slabs, grass, asphalt, soil, gravel, snow, and ice. For the best performance, we recommend the ground to be ±10cm level.

Purchase only once
The inflatable hangar will service your needs at multiple projects and locations. Relocate your facilities to your new sites and projects regardless of how far is your next job. Our hangars are compact, and they are simple to store it. The costs of the facilities at the new site will be limited only to transportation, and you won’t need to build again.

Short production time
Get your facility deployed in 30 days from initial design to full erection. Each hangar is CAD engineered and pixel-perfect manufactured on our fully digital production line. Implementation of the latest technology and quality control procedures allows us to reduce manufacturing time and make better products. We track the full cycle of the manufacturing process, providing our customers with a reliable estimation of final assembly deadline.

Simple and fast erection
Regardless of the surrounding environment, the assembly of the hangar is simple and straightforward – connect the large frames between each other, attach the walls and secure your facility to the ground either with ballast or anchors. We have erected, packed, and moved our facilities both in +40 and -40 degrees Celsius. Begin your operations exactly when you need in any climate zone and environment.

Clear span facility
Have your warehouse, workshop, or aircraft hangar space clear without any vertical columns, yet keeping it portable. None of our buildings use internal struts or supports. Our fabric structures can span up to 100 meters in width and 40 meters in height. This makes the inflatable fabric buildings ideal for large indoor spaces like temporary tunnel construction activities or business jet maintenance.

Maintenance free
Our fabric buildings are maintenance free both while deployed or stored. The translucent fabric allows the natural daylight to penetrate the space, saving the energy costs. Our prefabricated structures use highly durable industrial grade materials that are UV resistant and flame retardant according to DIN 4102 B1, M2; BS 5438-7837; USA NFPA701.

For any climate zone
Hundreds of delivered hangars deployed in every climate zone have proven successful for the performance of withstanding extreme heat, cold, snow, ice, sand storms, and severe winds. All of our structures are designed to accommodate the weight of snow on the roof, minimum 35 m/s wind speed and external temperature ranging from -60 to +70 degrees Celsius.

Foundation: Not required. Our hangars are directly deployed on any terrain, which can be hard soil, concrete slabs, grass, asphalt, gravel etc.

Ground preparation: Not required. For the best performance, we suggest erection on ±10cm level surface, no special surface preparation is needed.

Width: Up to 100 meters. Clear space without internal struts or supports can span up to 100 meters.

Length: Unlimited. Hangar structure is modular allowing to be split or extended upon operational needs, making hangar longer or shorter.

Height: Up to 40 meters. Minimum height is dependant on the actual width of the hangar.

Gates:  Up to 70 meters width. Large gates in any configuration at any side of the hangar – front, back, and sides. Maximum width – 70 meters, maximum height 35 meters.

Staff Doors:  Unlimited. Hangars can accommodate any number of staff doors on any side of the hangar. Standard door size is 2.1×1 meters. Door type and dimensions can be changed.

Actual Power Consumption: 2 kWh. Automation system monitors the external environment and pressure inside the frames, turning on the fan system only when needed. It significantly reduces actual power consumption. The value provided for each 1000 m².

Nominal power:  7 kWh. Slightly varying on specific hangar design. The value provided for each 1000 m².

Operational temperature:  +70 °C to -60 °C.  Field tested in different climatic zones. Durable fabrics have proven to withstand extreme temperature drops, precipitations, and UV.

Wind Resistance: Up to 45 m/s.Hurricane category level III resistant inflatable facilities are also blast resistant, according to latest studies and tests. Contact us for more information on the subject.

Securing to the ground: Ballast or Anchors. Depending on erection location, facility designation, surrounding area, and available resources we provide a wide range of ground anchoring options. Combined options available

Color: Large variety. We recommend translucent white fabrics that allow the use of daylight. Alternatively, the hangar can be produced in your brand colors. For defense-related application, camouflage fabrics are available.

Fabrics:  Flame retardant. Highly durable industrial grade materials that are UV resistant and flame retardant according to DIN 4102 B1, M2; BS 5438-7837; USA NFPA701.

UPS System:  Up to 24 hours. Each hangar delivery kit includes standard size UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) system for 4-8 hours. The system is extendable for up to 24 hours.

Automation:  Remote access. Automation system monitors hangar parameters and external environment. In case of anomalies, it sends SMS and email warnings. System is remotely accessible from any device.

Service life:  15 years Hangar service life is a minimum of 15 years. All elements of the hangar are replaceable and can be refurbished.

Maintenance: No routine maintenance.I nflatable hangars require no routine maintenance. Any damages can be repaired on site using repair kit and our in-depth repair tutorials.

Erection: 2 to 7 days / 7 to 20 persons. Hangar erection takes typically 2 to 7 days and highly depends on team size, team motivation, and project deadlines. Aviatech supports with training and supervision.

Optional: As required. Heating units, air conditioning, ventilation, lighting, electrics, doors, gates, flooring, etc.