

SmartBoarding empowers both passenger and airport/airline through an immersive and informative mobile and browser based solution. It is all about converting free-time to non-aero revenue through engaging content.

Our solution brings real-time live boarding feed to the passengers mobile device and displays flight, airline, airport updates and boarding progress straight to their hand-held device. Doing so…

  • Reduces passenger stress
  • Keeps the passenger informed at all times
  • Passengers spend 15+ mins more shopping, relaxing and dining
  • Passenger has access to additional non-aero/ancillary services offered by airport, airline and/or concessionaires

For airlines and airports, this solution presents an opportunity to:

  • Get closer to the passenger
  • Offer additional services and ancillary offerings
  • Provide flight and destination related updates to the passengers device
  • Improve pax. satisfaction

From an operational standpoint, our AI solution provides:

  • Live and historical boarding performance
  • User intent
  • Bag count and bag type count with automated alerting to ground staff (bag count vs cabin capacity)
  • Above wing delay attribution
  • Queue Management

Simple put, SmartBoarding captures the passenger attention with a solution that becomes a launchpad for other services (think chat-bot, wayfinding, shopping directory, inflight purchases etc…)

Currently deployed at ADR (Aeroporti Di Roma) where we are achieving fantastic passenger and client feedback.

  • Can use existing cameras for camera AI
  • Can be on-prem, hybrid or completely cloud
  • UX/UI tailored to fit client need and challenge areas
  • Designed to integrate
  • Cost effective PoCs are highly advised to prove the value of our solution