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196 results


196 results


1-10 of 196 results
  • AODB (Airport Operational Database)

    TAV Technologies Airport Operational Database (AODB) is a comprehensive and centralized solution for managing operational data efficiently, ensuring consistent and robust performance. The AODB serves as a repository for storing, distributing, and managing both seasonal …
  • Total Airport Management Suite (TAMS)

    Airport operations have become increasingly complex, demanding higher efficiency and flawless passenger experiences. To meet these demands, the industry has embraced smart solutions and innovative approaches, such as collaborative decision making, resource optimization, self-service systems, …
  • Resource Management System (RMS)

    TAV Technologies Resource Management System (RMS) is a crucial tool for efficiently planning airport operations. It consists of various modules that can be installed individually or as a whole, including Stand and Gate Management, Check-in …
  • Agnet Turnaround

    The aeronautics industry is facing one of its biggest challenges since its existence: Meeting growing air traffic demand while significantly reducing its environmental footprint. Social obligations, regulatory requirements and environmental reality leave us no choice …
  • R3 Runway Services

    The Challenge The continual monitoring of runway surfaces is not only mandatory under international guidelines but important for whole-life management of an airports most critical asset. With ICAO Annex 14 changing, a greater emphasis is being placed …
  • AviPLAN - Airside Planning and Design

    AviPLAN®, with renowned market-leading technology at its core, delivers a unique feature-set tailored to meet the specific challenges faced by today’s airside planning, design and operations professionals. Analyse aircraft and support vehicle movements on airport …
  • Flight Management System (FMS)

    Provide flight information based on Situational Awareness data. Let airport users know schedules and weather updates. Help FBOs provide services based on real-time information.
  • Lease Management System

    Maximize lease and concession revenue, and improve efficiency. You can access your lease information from anywhere and keep track of invoice dates and renewals. It will improve collaboration across your airport. There are no limits on …
  • IOTM-OTM -Indoor &/or outdoor real time data capture module for unmotorized assets

    Unpowered GSE including bag trailers, cargo dollies, towbars, stairs, etc. can be tracked with the ADVEEZ OTM (Outdoor Tracking Module). The IOTM module (Indoor & Outdoor Tracking Module) combines both GPS and radio frequency to …
  • ARINC AirPlan

    ARINC AirPlan™ – now integrated with FlightAware’s powerhouse data aggregation tools and predictive analytics – is the next-generation airport management solution from Collins Aerospace that’s transforming the way airports, airlines and ground crews carry out …
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