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196 results


51-60 of 196 results
  • ARINC AirVue

    Whether you want to keep people moving, create dwell time or steer traffic to key revenue opportunities, our ARINC AirVue Flight Information Display System (FIDS) is configurable and scalable for any size airport, network of …
  • ANOMS Airline Compliance

    ANOMS Airline Compliance enables easier management of airline compliance and aircraft noise abatement procedures at airports. Airport management can monitor operations, non-compliance occurrences, details of the expected procedures and other operations in the area. Additionally, it …
  • Executive Consulting

    Deriving and implementing strategic decisions is a challenge due to the high complexity of business processes and the increasing amount of collaboration with external process partners. For a successful implementation the needs of all stakeholders, …
  • Passenger Flow Management Platform (PFM)

    Passenger Flow Management (PFM) encompasses solutions aimed at detecting, tracking, and managing passenger traffic throughout airport touchpoints to ensure a seamless journey. The goal of passenger flow management is to optimize airport resources and provide a …
  • Orthogon Arrival Manager (AMAN)

    The Orthogon Arrival Manager’s objective is to manage the flow of arriving aircraft in a way that makes best use of the available Air Traffic Management resources, such as runways and airspace. Orthogon AMAN manages traffic …
  • Gate Monitoring and Supervision

    One of the differential products we have developed at Dimaim Systems is the Gate Management Solution, comprising both Centralized Monitoring as well as Maintenance Management of airside and landside assets. Our GMS or CMS is based …
  • Airport Traffic Monitoring System

    The Airport Traffic Monitoring System is intended to: enhance flight safety in the airport environment provide ground traffic situation awareness for airport stakeholders reduce ground traffic incidents and improve safety provide apron management functions allow …
  • Orthogon Departure Manager (DMAN)

    The Orthogon Departure Manager (DMAN) provides consistent, optimised planning of the outbound traffic at airports and accordingly optimised target times for flights at the runway and the stands. Major objectives are to efficiently manage the …
  • Demand Capacity Balancer (DCB)

    Airport infrastructure is becoming increasingly constrained, more so the Airspace and Airside. New terminals and passenger solutions will not address these Airside constraints. A-CDM went someway to addressing this, but only provided a short look-ahead …
  • Flight Information Display System

    The Flight Information Display System (FIDS) provides all information to staff and passengers about the flight operation at the airport. The FIDS is the core system for flight information on the airport, and can distribute …
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