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86 results


1-10 of 86 results
  • ProSight

    ProSight™ is a scalable, open architecture and cyber secure software platform that integrates security screening equipment, threat detection algorithms and other third-party data. The result is a centralized, enterprise management system that delivers actionable, real-time data …
  • Airport Guardian

    From hire to retire, Airport Guardian software centralizes and automates the airport employment lifecycle, including Criminal History Records Checks (CHRC) subscription and maintenance, proactively enforcing compliance through built-in regulatory controls. With the ability to leverage …
  • Security Management System (SeMS) Add-ins

    We provide a configurable software application to support your organisation's SeMS at the task level as well as analytic, root cause and rectification stages of security management. It is a multi-faceted, enterprise-level framework with optional …
  • Aviation Security Training

    Our highly trained and experienced staff deliver training under the National Aviation Security Programme (NASP) and are certified by the UK Appropriate Authority (Department for Transport (DfT)). We provide an extensive range of training courses delivered …
  • Quality Assurance

    Our team of dedicated Quality Assurance (QA) operatives specialise in providing an objective evaluation of your security measures, encompassing various aspects such as personnel, technology, systems and processes. By conducting covert, overt and penetration testing, we …
  • Threat Image Recognition Training (TIRT) 3D & 2D

    Our X-ray Threat Image Recognition Training (TIRT) system is both technically sophisticated and intuitive, equipping X-ray screeners with the knowledge and skills needed to use the full functionality of an X-ray effectively to detect items …
  • Travel Document Authorization System (TDAS)

    An airport serves as the first impression of a city or country, making it crucial to ensure a positive experience. Airports face the challenge of managing constantly arriving and departing passengers, handling luggage, maintaining security, …
  • AirportGateway®

    AirportGateway is the perfect solution for any airport looking to streamline, manage and automate airport ID pass applications, increase compliance, reduce insider threat and improve security for both staff and passengers. Our globally recognised solution allows …
  • Airport CX FIDS and Voice Paging

    All-in-one Cloud solution for FIDS and Voice Paging at any time powered by YOU. Airport CX is a cloud digital signage system, designed to enable you to create innovative screen content in-house. Airport CX is a flexible …
  • Agnet Turnaround

    The aeronautics industry is facing one of its biggest challenges since its existence: Meeting growing air traffic demand while significantly reducing its environmental footprint. Social obligations, regulatory requirements and environmental reality leave us no choice …
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