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86 results


21-30 of 86 results
  • Security Interlock As Access Control System

    The record R 62 security interlock control system provides for the separation of pedestrian traffic using sensors and triggers which operate the exit path only when the required parameters are met. The system can be set to …
  • Face2Fly - Biometric Passenger Journey

    1. WHAT IS?
    The Face2Fly is a Reco's solution for automated and seamless passenger flow management, from airport entry to boarding, using facial biometrics.
  • Self-Service Kiosk for Entry/Exit Border Control

    1. WHAT IS?
    The Self Service Kiosk EES allows for the electronic registration of citizens from Third Country Nationals, both short-stay visa holders and visa-exempt travellers, every time they cross an external EU border (entry and …
  • Baggage Reconciliation System (BRS)

    Effective baggage management is a critical aspect of ensuring passenger satisfaction, flight safety, and operational efficiency within the airline and airport industry. The trust between passengers and airports heavily relies on the successful handling of …
  • KwickScreen Pro

    Portable, durable and fully enclosed; the KwickScreen Pro is our flagship product. The Pro pulls out fully to 3 metres and retracts easily into its protective casing. Designed with infection control, the Pro has minimal dirt traps …
  • ARINC AirPlan

    ARINC AirPlan™ – now integrated with FlightAware’s powerhouse data aggregation tools and predictive analytics – is the next-generation airport management solution from Collins Aerospace that’s transforming the way airports, airlines and ground crews carry out …
  • Viewpoint

    Viewpoint provides communities with a range of options to voice their concerns. Airports are empowered to quickly manage and respond to complaints with the right data and insights, building trust and social license. Noise officers, public …
  • KwickScreen Duo

    The Duo is the total privacy solution. Consisting of two screens attached to a central base, the Duo allows you to create a completely private bay in seconds. It’s 180° flexibility creates a unique L-shape around …
  • KwickScreen Shield

    Freestanding chair partitions; the solution to social distancing in waiting rooms. The Shields transparent screen creates a Covid-secure barrier between seats, so two people can sit next to each other safely. Designed for maximum virus control the …
  • Airport Hive – Flight Strip Processor

    Integrate with electronic flight progress strip systems using our Flight Strip Processor. Secure, and built on years of experience, safely exchange information with tower systems to enable accurate flight plan matching, capture key event times …
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