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101-104 of 104 results

    Access-IS is now part of HID. Full-Page Document Imager and Electronic Machine Readable Travel Document (eMRTD) Reader. The HID ATOM™ Document Reader (formerly Access-IS ADR300) is a state-of-the-art, multi-illumination, electronic machine-readable travel document (eMRTD) scanner. Designed from …
  • GPU

    Civil Aviation solutions Based on the green and low-carbon philosophy, innovative energy storage equipment and low-voltage side grid design are used to address the prominent source-load conflict at the airport, To build an aircraft-oriented safe, green …
  • Travi 750

    Developed for traffic information and event crowd management. Compact sized, solar-powered and managed with traffic Fleet. CROWD MANAGEMENT – FLUENTLY GUIDE TRAFFIC FLOWS AND EVENT CROWDS. DYNAMIC TRAFFIC INFORMATION – DISPLAY CURRENT TRAFFIC INFORMATION ON YOUR VMS-TRAILERS. ENERGY MANAGEMENT …
  • Inflatable Aircraft Hangar

    Hangars faster and cheaper Delivery from 30 days and no need of construction permits. Large portable hangars that extend and speed up your operational capabilities, leaving no environmental footprint. Benefits Focus on your job and let us take …
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