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1-10 of 58 results
  • Quelltex Ltd

    Aviation Security Training, Online, Classroom, Workplace Training and Security Audit Services

    Quelltex Ltd is a leading aviation security training provider. We deliver classroom training, online courses and bespoke blended learning. We are a leading supplier of General Awareness Security Training for airside pass holders. Under the UK …
  • Redline Assured Security

    Leading Provider in Aviation Security Training, Compliance Management, Consultancy and Quality Assurance

     At Redline, our mission is to enhance the delivery of assured security in regulated, high-value and high-threat environments. We deliver a wide range of aviation security solutions across the UK and internationally, including: Security Training …
  • STI Security Training International GmbH

    We Train Your Security

     Since 2001, STI Security Training International has been providing its customers with first-class security-related services. STI GmbH has four lines of business: Training, Consulting, IT Solutions and Control & Services. We offer classroom training, online …
  • SES Aviation

    Training, Consultancy, Mentoring, Manned Security Provision, Auditing, Testing, Overt & Covert Testing, Penetration Testing, Managed Solutions, Quality Assurance, and Vetting

    SES Aviation are proud to offer a different solution to your compliance needs. With a team of truly knowledgeable consultants and instructors, SES Aviation care about our partners continued trust in our support to enhance …
  • CAMOR Ltd

    Specialist Security Training – GSAT, Insider Risk, Behavioural Detection, Specialist Aviation Response, Disruptive Passengers, Audit and Risk Assessment

    CAMOR Ltd are a specialist security company operating within the UK and International security sectors, specialising in Aviation Security. With our team of security experts we offer risk and security solutions that are threat informed, vulnerability focused, and impact driven. CAMOR are a recognised training …
  • Battelle

    Aviation Security; Aviation Security Training; Liquid Screening; Explosive Detection Systems

    Battelle is an internationally respected technical organization with a long tradition and deep commitment to helping government and airport clients select and implement the best aviation security solutions to meet their needs. We provide objective, …
  • Pensever Aviation Ltd

    Security Risk Management for Aviation & Aviation Security Training

    Pensever Aviation Ltd (PAL) is a company that delivers a range of security services to the industry, which include but are not limited to the following; Covert testing Overt testing HBS Management ASM Initial Course …

    Airport Operational Support, Management, Consultancy & Training

    ATCANZ provides a full range of airport bits and bobs including support and management services, includes consultancy and training for airport bits and bobs
  • AIRDAT Ltd

    Airport safety systems, training and consultancy services - we make your day safer, quicker, better.

     AIRDAT provides trusted, world leading airport systems, training & consultancy services to international and regional airports across the globe. Our systems & services improve safety & compliance standards, minimise incidents & streamline processes to reduce airport …
  • Serco Group

    Non-Government Provider of Air Traffic Services

    Serco is the only significant non-government provider of air traffic services in the world. We operate on a global basis and handle about 6 million aircraft movements each year at airports in Europe, the Middle …


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