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103 results


103 results


21-30 of 103 results
  • Advanced Logistic Systems

    A leader in the Material Handling Solutions: CAR PARK | WAREHOUSE INTRALOGISTICS | AIR CARGO AUTOMATION

    Ever since Advanced Logistic Systems’ inception in the recent decades of dynamic growth ALS has built a reputation of a leader in the Material Handling Solutions. Initially from 1996, when the company was originally founded …
  • Menzies Aviation

    Global Provider of Passenger, Ramp and Cargo Handling Services

    Menzies Aviation is a global provider of passenger, ramp and cargo handling services. We are an independent, time-critical logistics specialist serving the airline industry. Air passengers and cargo shippers deserve the best, and our airline customers …
  • AirPart GmbH

    Airport Ramp Handling, Passenger Services, Operations & Cargo Handling Services

    AirPart GmbH was founded in the year 2000 and is a subsidiary, of which 100% is owned by Flughafen Nürnberg GmbH. Our services comprise the whole spectrum of ground handling services. Our excellently trained staff …
  • dnata

    Air Services Providers for Ground Handling, Cargo Services, Travel and In-flight Catering

    dnata are the 4th largest combined air services providers for ground handling, cargo services, travel and in-flight catering in the world with over 20,000 employees in 74 airports across the globe. Our ground handling expansion started …
  • Airport Associates

    Independant Ground Handling Service Company in Iceland

    Airport Associates is the only independant ground handling service company, with headquarters at Keflavik Airport, Iceland. The company operates from its offices in the terminal building and the cargo terminal which is located next to …
  • Swissport

    Global Cargo and Aircraft Ground Handling

    Swissport is the world's largest provider of cargo and aircraft ground handling in the aviation industry. The company provides services on behalf of some 835 client-companies and handles around 230 million passengers and 3.9 million …
  • MdG Srl

    Cargo Cold Chain Solution Provider for Temperature Sensitive Shipments

     MdG is a young and innovative company based in Rome providing special solutions to airport cargo handling and ground handling companies. Our core business is to provide products and services linked to cold chain requirements …
  • Air Tech Innovations Limited

    Air Cargo Handling Equipment Design, Installation, Integration, Maintenance and Refurbishment

    Air Tech Innovations are leading experts in air cargo handling system design, installation, integration, maintenance and refurbishment. Specialising in manufacturing and installation of large materials handling equipment projects within cargo and airside sectors. Air Tech Innovations …
  • Unitechnik Systems

    Automatic Systems for Cargo and Baggage Handling and Airline Catering.

    Unitechnik Systems is a market leader in material flow and logistic systems in and around airports operating on an international scale. Our range of services starts with manual or semi-automatic systems for smaller airports and …
  • Alliance Ground International

    Airline Cargo Handling Services

    Alliance Ground International provides airline cargo handling services to 10 stations and 32 airlines (20 International Airlines) in four cities: Chicago, New York, Atlanta, and Miami. Warehouse operation schedules are constantly adjusted to flight operations. Adjustments …
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