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  • Todd Research Ltd

    Baggage, cargo, in-flight supplies x-ray screening, Walkthrough Metal detection systems,

    Founded in 1950, Todd Research Ltd is an award-winning UK manufacturer of advanced security solutions, with over seventy years of expertise in the industry. Specialising in innovative x-ray screening and metal detection systems, we offer …
  • Montech AG

    Conveyors Manufacturer for Airport Baggage Handling

     Montech specializes in the design and manufacture of high-quality compact conveyors for airport baggage handling. Montech conveyors are specifically engineered to meet the demanding requirements of the airport industry, ensuring efficient and seamless movement of …
  • Arktis Radiation Detectors Ltd

    Radiation Monitors for Security Applications at Airports

     Arktis develops next generation radiation detection systems that intercept and classify transiting radiological & nuclear materials for security applications. Our systems are modular and scalable in order to work for static, removeable and mobile solutions, …
  • Glidepath

    Airport Baggage Handling Specialists

    Glidepath has been a supplier of turnkey Baggage Handling Systems to the North American aviation industry for more than 28 years. In 2004 our commitment to this market was reinforced by establishing a dedicated USA …

    Electronic Control Systems for Baggage Handling & Air Cargo Handling

    Check-in desks, carousels or inclined planes for the return, belt conveyors, Integration of the x-ray or explosive, shunt systems, sorters or continuous "point to point": CASSIOLI Airport Division is able to offer all necessary elements …
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