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  • KwickScreen Shield

    Freestanding chair partitions; the solution to social distancing in waiting rooms. The Shields transparent screen creates a Covid-secure barrier between seats, so two people can sit next to each other safely. Designed for maximum virus control the …
  • KwickScreen Pro

    Portable, durable and fully enclosed; the KwickScreen Pro is our flagship product. The Pro pulls out fully to 3 metres and retracts easily into its protective casing. Designed with infection control, the Pro has minimal dirt traps …
  • KwickScreen Duo

    The Duo is the total privacy solution. Consisting of two screens attached to a central base, the Duo allows you to create a completely private bay in seconds. It’s 180° flexibility creates a unique L-shape around …
  • Departure Control System

    System characteristics of the HELENA DCS Services: The HELENA DCS service is comparable with traditional airline DCS service in terms of functionality and setup. The HELENA DCS is positioned above the mainframe in terms of …
  • Baggage Reconcilliation System

    Travsys Baggage Reconciliation System (BRS) can be obtained in two ways: as a local installed system, or as a cloud service hosted by Travsys. The BRS has a close relation with the DCS, and can be …
  • Departure Control System

    “Departure Control System (DCS)” covers all aspects of passenger, baggage and aircraft handling. DCS handles various passenger, baggage and aircraft operations, including check-in, printing boarding cards, baggage acceptance, boarding, load control and aircraft checks. DCS …
  • Flight Information Display System

    The Flight Information Display System (FIDS) provides all information to staff and passengers about the flight operation at the airport. The FIDS is the core system for flight information on the airport, and can distribute …
  • Mobile Agent - An advanced mobile passenger handling app.

    Ink Mobile secure modules replace desktop processing. No need for an instruction manual. Ink Mobile DCS integrates with any Departure Control System within four weeks of the start of technical development. Messages are fully developed …
  • Passenger Handling Solutions

    At the core of our business is the passenger. Airline Choice ensures a delightful passenger experience all while enabling airlines the benefit of optimized operations, merchandising opportunities and turn key compliance with government requirements. What We …
  • iPort DCS for Ground Handlers

    iPort DCS is a web-based Departure Control System, actively used in more than 300 airports, serving over 100 ground handlers globally. The system has extensive functionality, all accessible through a graphical user interface, that caters …
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