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151 results


151 results


71-80 of 151 results
  • Drück & Pfeiffer GmbH: Airport-Manager

    From Personnel Shift and Equipment Planning to Real-time Dispatching

    Airport-Manager helps the specialist in ground handling service, passenger service and aircraft cleaning or in the terminal itself, to quantify flight schedule dependent operations for subsequent evaluation directly from the flight schedule.Airport-Manager improves not just …
  • Wanzl GmbH & Co. KGaA

    Airport Luggage Trolleys, Passenger Guidance Systems and Access Solutions

    The sky is the limit for Wanzl passengers! As a systems supplier, Wanzl is the partner of choice for a large variety of luggage trolleys and for complete trolley management solutions, such as trolley vending and tracking systems. Furthermore, …
  • Emulate3D

    Controls Testing and Throughput Simulation Software for Baggage Handling Systems

    Emulate3D Software Addresses Baggage Handling System Controls Testing and Throughput Simulation Requirements Emulate3D develops controls testing and throughput simulation software for Baggage Handling Systems (BHS) engineering, and is used to reduce the investment risk and provide …
  • ECR Retail Systems

    In-Flight Mobile Point of Sale (MPoS) Systems

    HISTORY Helping Airports to increase revenue whilst delivering a greater customer experience. The market leader in secure Mobile Point of Sale systems delivering payment solutions since 1973. Launching our first truly mobile solution in 2009 with Big …
  • Avtura Ltd.

    Software Management Solutions & Consultancy for Airport Ground Handling Operations

    AVTURA is an independent provider of technical airport software management solutions and Consultancy for airport ground handling operations. AVTURA Software Solutions utilise the latest mobile technology using communications devices. AVTURA products provide assistance to airlines, airports …
  • TEC Huenert GmbH

    Emergency Evacuation Airstair System (EEAS)

    Rescuestair Systems EEAS TEC Hünert's main field of activity is the development and manufacturing of airport ground support equipment with over 30 years experience. The range of products comprises all kinds of ground support equipment. From …
  • Bulmor Airground Technologies GmbH

    SideBull Highlifter for Aircraft: Passenger Transport

    SideBull Highlifter for Aircraft: Passenger Transport (PRM, VIP) Catering, Cleaning, Maintenance Our award-winning SideBull Highlifter for Aircraft (formerly known as SideCat) is considered the most effective and flexible lift vehicle on the market. It can be …
  • Glidepath

    Airport Baggage Handling Specialists

    Glidepath has been a supplier of turnkey Baggage Handling Systems to the North American aviation industry for more than 28 years. In 2004 our commitment to this market was reinforced by establishing a dedicated USA …

    Global Partner in Operating and Maintaining Airport Technical Facilities

    Cofely Services, European leader in energy efficiency and environment services, provides customers solutions based on three pillars of sustainable development: Environmental, through local renewable energy production, energy performance improvements and performance guarantees and CO2 emissions …
  • JBT AeroTech Jetway Systems

    Passenger Boarding Bridges, PCA Units and Ground Power Units

    JBT AeroTech is a leading supplier of customized solutions and services used for high-value applications in the air transportation industry. We design, manufacture and service technologically sophisticated ground support equipment, airport gate equipment and services for …
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