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51 results


41-50 of 51 results
  • Total Airport Management Suite (TAMS)

    Airport operations have become increasingly complex, demanding higher efficiency and flawless passenger experiences. To meet these demands, the industry has embraced smart solutions and innovative approaches, such as collaborative decision making, resource optimization, self-service systems, …
  • CD7-2 Evac Trac Evacuation Chair

    Ideally suited for emergency situations; Fire evacuation and lift breakdown are circumstances where the CD7 Evac Trac can be an essential piece of equipment. With increased amounts of lift break downs occurring and the advice …
  • Common Use Passenger Processing System (CUPPS)

    TAV Technologies CUPPS (Common Use Passenger Processing System) enables the efficient sharing of check-in desks, gates, and peripherals among multiple airlines, optimizing the utilization of airport resources. The platform follows the standard methodology and adheres …
  • Sliding floor element for passenger boarding bridges

    Adjustable sliding floor unit In order to avoid high costs and downtimes, it is essential that no damage occurs to aircraft during docking with the passenger boarding bridge. To ensure damage-free opening of the doors on large …
  • PBBI - Universal Extended

    The situation To avoid prolonged ground time during the boarding and disembarking the aircraft, handling processes have to run quickly and efficiently while at the same time being completely safe Any collision that might occur between an …
  • Demand Capacity Balancer (DCB)

    Airport infrastructure is becoming increasingly constrained, more so the Airspace and Airside. New terminals and passenger solutions will not address these Airside constraints. A-CDM went someway to addressing this, but only provided a short look-ahead …
  • ISTinox PCA units

    ISTinox PCA UNITS THE COOL SOLUTION In the last decades, the cooling of the aircraft has been conventionally carried out with DX equipment, whereby optimal cooling of the Aircraft cabin was never achieved. ISTinox DXi stands for a conventional, stand-alone PCA device …
  • Check-in Keyboard with OCR reader and MSR

    The MCI 111 A combines all of PrehKeyTec’s knowledge on the design and manufacturing of keyboards, with the necessary functions required for airline and terminal check-in processes. Using PrehKeyTec’s advanced integration capabilities, the MCI 111 A …
  • iPort W&B

    iPort W&B or iPort Weight & Balance is a web-based application for load planning and loadsheet creation, used by hundreds of airlines, handling agents and CLCs worldwide. It is delivered as a turn-key solution whereby …
  • Phonetica GO

    For times of emergency or where your current zoning capabilities just won’t cut it. Whether you are looking to use alongside the main system with all messages sent to individual Go Speakers or create a …
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