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153 results


153 results


31-40 of 153 results
  • ICM Airport Technics

    Airport Self-Service Bag Drop and Baggage Handling Solutions

    ICM has been a leader in the provisioning of automated baggage handling systems for airports since 1977. Our range of ‘Auto Bag Solutions’ address the mission critical processes at airports for handling and managing passenger hold …
  • AMSS

    Aircraft Ground Support Equipment and Services

    AMSS provides a unique service of military and civil ground support equipment. We not only design and manufacture, but we support and maintain the equipment wherever it is in the world - 365 days of the …
  • Amadeus IT Group, S.A.

    Provider of Travel Software and Technology Solutions for the Global Travel Industry

    A global player in the travel industry, Amadeus is a truly multinational company employing 11,000 people, headquartered in Europe and operating in 195 countries. The company is a leader in electronic travel distribution and is …
  • Swissport

    Global Cargo and Aircraft Ground Handling

    Swissport is the world's largest provider of cargo and aircraft ground handling in the aviation industry. The company provides services on behalf of some 835 client-companies and handles around 230 million passengers and 3.9 million …
  • AAT Automation GmbH

    Automated Baggage Loading and Unloading Equipment, Automated Guided Vehicles, Turn-Key and Tailor-Made Automation Solutions.

    AAT Automation GmbH, founded in 1995 in Karlsruhe/Germany, has been serving customers to implement innovative solutions for automation requirements in a wide variety of areas, such as conveyor and automated warehouse systems, production and recycling …
  • TK Airport Solutions

    TK Airport Solutions - Passenger Boarding Bridges

    TK Airport Solutions offers complete, flexible global gate solutions. By providing project-tailored passenger boarding bridges (PBBs), the most diverse and demanding client requirements can be fulfilled. TK Airport Solutions production lines are equipped with the latest …
  • Menzies Aviation

    Global Provider of Passenger, Ramp and Cargo Handling Services

    Menzies Aviation is a global provider of passenger, ramp and cargo handling services. We are an independent, time-critical logistics specialist serving the airline industry. Air passengers and cargo shippers deserve the best, and our airline customers …
  • Safe Solutions AS

    Mobile One Unit Passenger Guidance System

    Safe Solutions AS was created in 2013 as a result of the challenges one of the founders experienced in the aircraft handling industry. Today the team consist of the two founders of the company Leif …
  • AirPart GmbH

    Airport Ramp Handling, Passenger Services, Operations & Cargo Handling Services

    AirPart GmbH was founded in the year 2000 and is a subsidiary, of which 100% is owned by Flughafen Nürnberg GmbH. Our services comprise the whole spectrum of ground handling services. Our excellently trained staff …
  • Ink Innovation

    Put your passengers first. Use our ecosystem of solutions to enhance passenger experience and improve airport capacity

    Ink works with airlines, airports and ground handlers to improve passenger journeys by making the airport experience seamless. Ink solves problems others cannot solve in the required time, with the required flexibility. Its unique ecosystem of …
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