Vertical Baggage Transport

Company Nerak GmbH Fordertechnik
Date 06.02.2015

NERAK GmbH Foerdertechnik has successfully attended the Inter Airport South East Asia tradeshow, which took place on 21st – 23rd January 2015 in Singapore. Visitors were experts from airports, consulting companies and system integrators from the region and internationally. All were very interested and impressed by the NERAK space saving vertical transport technology for loose baggage and for baggage in trays.

Typical applications are baggage transport from check-in level down to the makeup area for standard baggage as well as for those that are oversized. Also, inside the system for inbound and transfer baggage, the NERAK vertical transport technology saves a lot of space and is easy to integrate into existing baggage handling systems.

Nerak at Inter Airport 2015



Nerak GmbH Foerdertechnik
Brigitta 5
  • +49 (0)5084-94 40