Air Navigation Service Provider

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23 results found

  • ATDI

    Advanced Network Planning and Coexistence Analysis for CNS Infrastructure

    Optimising airport communications with innovative software solutions and services. ATDI helps airport operators, civil aviation authorities, air traffic controllers, and national regulators to …

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  • Avinor

    Developing & Operating the Norwegian Airport Network

    Avinor Air Navigation Services AS provides aerodrome control and approach control services at airports, air traffic services in Norwegian airspace and maintenance …

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    The Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation

    CANSO – the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation – is the global voice of air traffic management (ATM) worldwide. CANSO Members support …

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  • Cyrrus

    Specialist Aviation Support to Help Solve Problems for Airports and Airport Developers

    Aviation Consultancy at its best Cyrrus is a leading international consultancy providing a range of specialist aviation support services to help airports and …

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  • DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH

    Air Traffic Management Consultancy and Solutions

    DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH is responsible for Air Traffic Management Solutions in Germany and is headquartered in the town of Langen close …

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    The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service

    The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS), Europe’s first venture into satellite navigation, improves the open public service offered by the USA’s Global …

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  • ENAV

    Management and Control of Civilian Air Traffic in Italy

    ENAV is the Company to which the Italian State delegates the management and control of civilian air traffic in Italy. Entirely controlled by …

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  • Envirosuite

    Airport Noise and Flight Track Monitoring Systems

    Envirosuite (ASX:EVS) is a global leader in environmental intelligence, using proprietary technology and real-time localised data to help industry and communities to …

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    Supporting European Aviation

    EUROCONTROL is a pan-European, civil-military organisation dedicated to supporting European aviation. Our expertise spans research, development, operations and performance monitoring. We are committed …

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  • Fly-by NUNES Limited

    Instrument Flight Procedure Design Service Provider

    Fly-by NUNES Limited is an independent Instrument Flight Procedure Design Service Provider (IFPDSP) specialising in procedure design, safeguarding and periodic review services …

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  • GroupEAD

    Offering Extensive Knowledge in AIM Services, Data Management and Training Services

    Supporting partners all over the world in a transformation of their AIS into a truly data and information management service (AIM) through …

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  • HungaroControl Pte. Ltd. Co.

    Air Navigation Service Provider for the Hungarian Airspace

    HungaroControl Pte. Ltd. Co. is the organisation appointed by law to provide air navigation services in the Hungarian airspace, and to train …

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  • Integra Consult A/S

    Consultancy services related to ATM/CNS, Airports, Regulatory Matters

    From the very beginning, Integra Consult (Integra) has worked with Air Navigation Service Providers, Airports and Regulators. Today, the company provides a …

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  • LFV Aviation Consulting

    Your partner in smart solutions for the aviation of tomorrow.

    LFV Aviation Consulting AB is an affiliated company to LFV Air Navigation Services of Sweden, established in 1982 with the objective to …

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  • NATS

    Air Traffic Control Services

    NATS provides air traffic control services at 15 of the UK's biggest airports, and "en-route" air traffic services for aircraft flying through …

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  • NAVCANatm

    Integrated Air Traffic Management Technology Solutions

    Solutions Designed by Air Traffic Controllers Today’s air traffic management demands fast, reliable access to critical information. Efficiency is essential to managing ever-growing …

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    Air Navigation Service Provider of Denmark

    Naviair is a company owned by the Danish state represented by the Ministry of Transport. Naviair provides air traffic service, including area control …

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    Digital Airside Management Solution & Aeronautical Information Digitization Environment Provider

    NG Aviation is one of the leading digital solutions providers for various aviation stakeholders such as Airports, Air Navigation Service Providers, and …

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  • Núcleo-Amper Group

    Aeronautical Communications, Navigation and Surveillance Systems

    Núcleo-Amper Group with more than 50 years experience, provides turnkey solutions for Communication and Control projects based in the integration and development …

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  • ONUR

    Voice Communication Switching and Recording Solutions

    Founded in 1980, “ONUR Yüksek Teknoloji A.Ş. (ONUR)” manufactures mission-critical voice/data communication systems and solutions for defence and civilian sector, with the …

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  • PrehKeyTec

    Check-In Keyboards | OCR Readers | Airport Wedge Devices | ATC

    PrehKeyTec GmbH is a leading international manufacturer of high-quality data entry solutions for professional applications. In close cooperation with our business partners, …

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  • SafeSkys Ltd

    Wildlife Hazard Management for Airports and Air Traffic Control Services

    SafeSkys, part of leading global aviation company, Air Partner, is celebrating its 25th year of industry-leading wildlife hazard management for airports. The …

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  • Skyguide

    Switzerland's Air Navigation Service Provider

    Nothing moves in Switzerland’s airspace without the approval of skyguide, the country’s air navigation service provider. Skyguide is commissioned by the Swiss …

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