Tags: ACI Europe

The time to act is now: ACI urges States to reach agreement on decarbonization goal ahead of ICAO meeting

Airports Council International (ACI) World, ACI Africa, ACI Asia-Pacific, ACI EUROPE, ACI Latin America-Caribbean and ACI North America are jointly urging State representatives at the upcoming High-level Meeting organized by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to reach an agreement on a Long-term Aspirational Goal (LTAG) for CO2 emissions reductions, aligned with the Paris Agreement […]

Airports welcome EC proposal to return to normal slot usage rules

ACI EUROPE has today welcomed the European Commission’s proposal to finally reinstate standard airport slot usage rules for the upcoming Winter 22/23 season. Accordingly, airlines will be required to use airport slots they have been allocated for 80% of the time in order to keep them during the following corresponding season – putting an end […]

The Transportation Security Administration and ACI EUROPE agree in principle to open architecture for security screening technology throughout Europe

The chief executives from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), ACI EUROPE (Airports Council International), along with airports and industry stakeholders, including London Heathrow, Avinor, and the European Organisation for Security (EOS), met in Brussels to endorse their continued collaboration to address open architecture for airport security systems. Worldwide, transportation security equipment is moving towards a […]

European Airports Make Great Strides Within Airport Carbon Accreditation

At their 32nd Annual Congress & General Assembly last week, ACI EUROPE announced the latest upgrades and new accreditations achieved by European airports. A number of these newly upgraded and accredited airports joined a dedicated Airport Carbon Accreditation certificate ceremony on stage. As the only global programme for reducing airport emissions and the progress made […]

“It’s time to connect the dots” says ACI EUROPE President, calling for more regulatory coherence to support a strong and sustainable aviation future

ACI EUROPE President Javier Marín today called upon the EU Institutions, European Governments and regulators to work with industry so that aviation policy enables a strong and sustainable reset for the entire sectoral ecosystem. Speaking at the 32nd ACI EUROPE Annual Congress and General Assembly in Rome, Marín tackled issues as diverse as slot regulation, […]

ACI Europe: Air connectivity recovery incomplete and uneven

Travel restrictions, war in Ukraine and a stop-start recovery suppress connectivity to Great Recession levels Brussels and Rome: On the eve of its 32nd Annual Congress and General Assembly, ACI EUROPE is today publishing the Airport Industry Connectivity Report for 2022, which reveals that the recovery of European air connectivity from the COVID-19 pandemic is uneven […]

“Fit for 55” package risks European socio-economic cohesion without supporting measures, independent study shows

Brussels: An independent report has been made public today which analyses, for the first time, the cumulative impact of the EU “Fit for 55” proposals on the airport industry. This report, commissioned by ACI EUROPE and undertaken by Oxera, is designed to inform the analysis of this crucially important legislative package for the decarbonisation of […]

Upward revision of European airport passenger traffic forecast comes with hefty warnings

ACI EUROPE has today revised upwards its passenger traffic forecast for the year 2022 and beyond, with a base case for Europe’s airports to fall -22% below 2019 levels over the full year –  compared with the previous forecast of -32% published last October[1]. A full recovery to pre-pandemic volumes is now expected for 2024 […]

Airports welcome updated health safety rules for air travel

Europe’s airports welcomed the publication yesterday by EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) and ECDC (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control) of their updated Aviation Health Safety Protocol1, which advises European States and industry on the progressive de-escalation of protective measures aimed at limiting the risk of COVID-19 infection during air travel. Reflecting the […]

Europe’s airports post two year high in recovering air passenger traffic

European airport trade body, ACI EUROPE, today released its airport traffic report for March 2022 and full Quarter 1 2022. Note: Unless otherwise specified, all data reported below are against pre-pandemic (2019) corresponding reporting periods. The report confirms the recovery in passenger traffic, with March seeing the European airport network posting its best monthly performance […]