Tags: Vilnius Airports

Lithuanian Airports Gears Up for New Terminal Launch and Premises Redevelopment: Seeking Catering Service Providers to Enhance Passenger Experience

Lithuanian Airports have announced an international lease tender aimed at attracting professional catering service operator of various formats to operate at Vilnius Airport. The future partner will operate both in the new departures terminal, scheduled to commence operations in February 2025, and in other terminal locations at the capital’s airport. The lease competition includes six […]

Lithuanian airports among the first in Europe to complete preparations for a modern border screening system: changes expected to start this year

A new Entry – Exit System (EES) is planned to be launched at border posts this year. This will directly affect third-country citizens entering the European Union (Schengen area) for the first time, who will have to undergo an additional registration procedure before crossing the border. This upcoming change will also require new infrastructure and […]