EB Airside

Airside Passes Handling The Entire Process

EB Airside undertake the entire process of obtaining an airside pass for you, from initiating an application, monitoring its progress, and issuing the final clearance. For HR personnel there will be no requirement to intervene after the initial interview except to monitor progress. 

As optional add-ons we also offer training such as GSAT or Drug and Alcohol testing.

We have developed the most advanced software for the provision of airside passes.
It can allow monitoring at various levels or locations for each client, it can be used as a service or in an inhouse server, can be white labelled and can be altered to take into account additional requested features.
There is no limit to the amount of passes the software can handle.
Every aspect of an applicant’s progress is carefully monitored and can easily be determined by an explanatory icon, allowing the full results to be displayed on a single page.

To obtain an airside pass all a client needs to do is provide the applicants name, email and airport and EB Airside will do the rest.

All clients have a nominated account team that will be fully au fait with the current list of applicants applying for their airside passes and will know the exact status for every applicant.

Additional facilities are continually being added to ensure the software maintains it’s competitive advantage.

EB Airside encourage new clients to start with no contract on a ‘try it and see’ basis. EB Airside will initially accept a small number of test cases or to be used as a secondary or backup source, confident in the knowledge that the quality and turnaround will be the best available. Our competitors in terms of service levels and comprehensive offerings are only ourselves.

Every client will receive a bespoke service with tailored screens and functionality.

Pricing will also be competitive and invoicing can be raised in any required structure.

EB Airside has their own DBS system and are a RO with the Disclosure and Barring Service.

Company Profile

  • Airside Pass

    Our airside pass system gives our clients the visibility of each applicant’s progress through the screening/checking process, whilst committing to the most thorough and accurate checks in the quickest time possible.

    EB Airside constantly monitor each application via the unique dashboard and remind candidates by email or phone when the next step awaits their input.

    The system is setup to reduce our client’s involvement yet accelerate the progress. No longer waiting for months before completion.

    The screening comprises of :

    • Basic disclosure
    • International criminal record check
    • 5 year history verification
    • Gap checks
    • Personal character references
    • Proof of ID
    • Proof of address
    • Right of work
  • Drug and Alcohol Screening

    The team at EB Airside has been providing drug and alcohol screening services for over twenty years. When testing for drugs and alcohol our clients demand speed of service, thoroughness and accuracy alongside transparency (through our web portal) of the progress of each check.

    We provide pre-employment, random and for cause screening on a 24/7 basis via our nationwide collector network.

    EB Airside is leading the way in screening for ‘legal highs’ or New Psychoactive Substances (NPS). Our innovative onsite screening kits and laboratory-based testing services ensure we are able to detect drug and alcohol use as effectively as possible.

  • International Checks

    EB-Airside now support the provision of airport passes on an international sphere.


EB Airside
7 Moorside Place
Moorside Road
United Kingdom
SO23 7FX
  • +44 (0) 1962 827 772
