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358 results


358 results


131-140 of 358 results
  • Harcor Security Seals

    Airport Security Seals

    For more than four decades Harcor has supplied tailored solutions and innovative products to a diverse range of leading Australian businesses. Harcor began operations in 1969 with an approach to single client who required solutions to …
  • Expert Security Systems UK LTD

    Airport Security Systems

    Expert Security are specialists in the design, manufacture and installation of pedestrian turnstiles and speed lane boarding solutions, Automatic Barriers and Gates, Automatic Bollards and Access control for high security sites such as Airports.  Utilizing …
  • Boon Edam International BV

    Airport Entrance and Security Access Solutions

    Royal Boon Edam offers a sophisticated range of airport entrance and security access solutions. Airport terminal buildings are designed to deal with large numbers of passengers every day. Managing and monitoring the flow of these people …
  • Pensever Aviation Ltd

    Security Risk Management for Aviation & Aviation Security Training

    Pensever Aviation Ltd (PAL) is a company that delivers a range of security services to the industry, which include but are not limited to the following; Covert testing Overt testing HBS Management ASM Initial Course …
  • Gunnebo

    Airport Entrance Control Solutions

    Gunnebo, an international security specialist, strives to make airport terminals more secure places where passengers and staff can feel safe surrounded by high-quality technology and user-friendly entrance control solutions. From simple Tripod Turnstiles, Entrance …
  • Vallo Global

    Airport Access Security Systems

    Vallo Global offers custom engineered security and safety from a wide range of Airport Access Security Systems and products including Security Gates, Security Fencing, Crash Barriers, Metal Detectors, Access Control and CCTV. Vallo Global specialises in …

    Airport Security Seals, Bottle Protectors & Safebags for Air Transportation

    DEBATIN provides an extensive range of packaging for almost every application used in aviation, catering especially to the security-sensitive field of air transportation. DEBA S.T.E.B., the internationally-approved safebag for transporting liquids, gels and aerosols, proven and …
  • SES Aviation

    Training, Consultancy, Mentoring, Manned Security Provision, Auditing, Testing, Overt & Covert Testing, Penetration Testing, Managed Solutions, Quality Assurance, and Vetting

    SES Aviation are proud to offer a different solution to your compliance needs. With a team of truly knowledgeable consultants and instructors, SES Aviation care about our partners continued trust in our support to enhance …
  • Vision-Box

    Automated Passenger Authentication Solutions Based on Biometric Self-Service Processes

    Leading supplier of end-to-end automated passenger authentication solutions based on biometric self-service processes. Vision-Box is the market leader in the delivery of enhanced self-service biometric-based solutions to airports, airlines and governments around the world. Dedicated to …
  • Arktis Radiation Detectors Ltd

    Radiation Monitors for Security Applications at Airports

     Arktis develops next generation radiation detection systems that intercept and classify transiting radiological & nuclear materials for security applications. Our systems are modular and scalable in order to work for static, removeable and mobile solutions, …
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