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123 results


101-110 of 123 results
  • OTS Online - X-ray image interpretation (Web Based Training)

    OTS Online The OTS online product line, which is available as WBT (Web Based Training), is specially developed for the training of aviation security officers and serves to maintain and increase their recognition performance. As a …
  • Aviation Inflatable Hangar

    NAFFCO Aviation Inflatable Hangar is made of fabric to withstand extreme weather conditions and suitable for wide applications. Benefits: No basement and site preparation Temporary facility Easily relocatable Modular and customizable Low construction and maintenance costs …
  • Dyba Truck Dock

    Dyba Truckdock TD01 is a lift system to bridge the difference between cargo trailer and the warehouse system during loading and unloading of ULDs. The truckdock consists of a scissor lift and a transfer deck …
  • iCMORE - Automated threat/target identification software

    iCMORE delivers the highest level of threat detection of a variety of threats, controlled and prohibited items. By doing so it also improves operational efficiency, and supports more efficient resource planning, for customs officers, security …
  • PFA-50 Military Loader/Transporter

    The PFA-50 is a self-propelled versatile military loader/transporter that can service a variety of both military and commercial aircraft, including the C130, C17, C5, IL76, A400M, B-747, A330 MRTT, KC-390, KC-135 and DC-10/MD11. By a …
  • IU2100 Threat Containment Unit

    Suspect parcels and packages safely contained in seconds The IU 2100 threat mitigation unit from Energetics Technology revolutionises the rapid and safe isolation and removal of IED (Improvised explosive device) threats in high volume screening operations. …
  • Metal Cable Seals

    Metal Cable Seals are classed as a barrier seal is a variable length cable security seal, providing a high level of security through its unique locking mechanism and cable design. This security seal is 300mm …
  • TractEasy

    TractEasy® is a driverless tow-tractor that not only facilitates a significant increase in productivity, efficiency, labour and maintenance savings but also allows enhanced safety and process compliances. The TractEasy® mission is to move cargo in an autonomous …
  • CTX 9800 DSi - High speed CT explosives detection system

    The CTX 9800 DSi explosive detection system (EDS) uses a proprietary single X-ray source, dual energy design that provides high-resolution 3D images along with 2D and 3D organic/inorganic material discrimination. These imaging tools enhance the analysis of details …
  • PSA Netbiokem DSAM

    Netbiokem DSAM is a multipurpose disinfectant cleaner. The formula is ready to use, non-corrosive, non-flammable and biocidal on numerous strains. It is compatible with all types of material, and safe to use for the operators. This …
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