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123 results


41-50 of 123 results
  • HI-SCAN 180180-2is pro - Advanced dual view X-ray cargo scanner

    An X-ray scanner designed for the inspection of large-scale consolidated and palletised goods. Tunnel dimensions of 180 x 180cm means the HI-SCAN 180180-2is pro is capable of screening LD3 containers. Based on a dual-view concept, the system …
  • High Frequency Lifter

    Ergonomic lifting solutions reduce the high number of work-related injuries associated with manual handling of baggage. Arrival and departure Loading or unloading baggage to and from AKEs or open carts. TAWI’s baggage lift is the ultimate solution for …
  • Aviation Security Training

    Our highly trained and experienced staff deliver training under the National Aviation Security Programme (NASP) and are certified by the UK Appropriate Authority (Department for Transport (DfT)). We provide an extensive range of training courses delivered …
  • JST-E

    The JST-E Series towing tractors, available with a maximum draw bar pull ranging from 2,400 daN (5,395 lbf) up to 2,800 daN (6,295 lbf), are designed to tow baggage carts, towable GSE and cargo trailers. Thanks …
  • JCT-60 Baggage Tractor

    The JCT-60 are heavy duty tow tractors (6 tons GVW) for cargo handling, pushback and demanding industrial application with ergonomically designed driver station for long distance towing. The JCT-60 tractors offer a drawbar pull of …
  • Load Control

    Ink Load Control is a part of the Ink ecosystem. It is the only DCS provider on the market which offers Centralised Load Control services. Ink Load Control supports passenger aircraft, preighters, freighters, narrow and wide …
  • System Level 508 Powered – Motor Powered Roller Deck

    System Level 508 Powered – Motor Powered Roller Deck Motor Powered Roller Deck (MPRD) Motor powered roller decks are used for automatic conveying and/or storage of ULD’s. They can also be installed on truck docks, build/break workstations, …
  • System Level 508 Powered – Build-Up Break-Down Workstation

    System Level 508 Powered – Build-Up Break-Down Workstation Build-Up Break-Down Workstation (BUBD) Workstation for building-up and breaking-down 10 ft (also available in 20ft) main deck pallets. Safe Working Load: 7,000 kg The workstation consists of a hydraulic operated scissor …
  • PFT-10 Military Cargo Interface Loader

    The PFT-10 is a robust and effective towable air transportable cargo interface loader for high tempo container and pallet lifting and transfer. It is designed for rapid deployment and for the worst military field conditions. …
  • Quality Assurance

    Our team of dedicated Quality Assurance (QA) operatives specialise in providing an objective evaluation of your security measures, encompassing various aspects such as personnel, technology, systems and processes. By conducting covert, overt and penetration testing, we …
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