
Identity document verification software for mobile

Inverid provides trusted identity verification through their ReadID technology. It leverages what people already have: government-issued identity documents with contactless NFC chips and NFC-enabled smartphones. ReadID can quickly and securely read and verify the data present on the NFC chip inside every ePassport to verify passenger information before they even step foot outside their home to travel to the airport, keeping airlines compliant with Advance Passenger Information legislation. ReadID disrupts the remote identification industry, which still largely relies on OCR and video identification technologies. NFC brings unrivalled quality of verification, reliable data extraction, and allows to scale to hundreds of thousands of scans per day. Proven to work on over 2.600 models of smartphones and with identity documents of more than 160 countries.

Reference customers include Eurostar, known banking institutions such as ING, Rabobank, ASB Bank New Zealand, and governmental organisations such as the UK GDS, Danish Digital Agency, Dutch police, the UK Government for One Login and GIDV. We support trust service providers including SK ID Solutions and itsme, and are active in mortgages and real estate.

Inverid is a tech company founded in 2013 (former name InnoValor until November 2022). They were the first NFC-based mobile identity verification technology in 2014 and were the first on iPhone in 2019. Inverid is headquartered in the Netherlands and has offices in London and Valencia. More than 50 people with 12 different nationalities work at Inverid.

Inverid has a world-first security certification package comprising ISO27001, ISO27701, eIDAS QTP, eIDAS eID, SOC2 type, WCAG and Cyber Essentials plus.


ReadID Identity Document Verification Software

ReadID is an Identity Verification technology that turns what everyone has- a smartphone- into a portable eGate through NFC technology. ReadID can quickly and securely read and verify the data present on the NFC chip …

Company News

Inverid: Unlock Seamless Travel with ReadID

In this newsletter: In this newsletter: Frontex EES pilot successful - Integration of ReadID with Ping identity - Inverid and Cybernetica partnership - App Clips for ReadID - Spotting documents - Inverid's secret sauce. Seamlessly …

Inverid: NFC-First, the fast lane to reducing fraud

In this newsletter: Relai uses ReadID for KYC processes - Inverid opens Valencia office - Inverid Test document kits for customers - New ReadID Analytics article on document read speed. More sectors around the world …

Inverid: Webinar Wallets & Identity

Learn more about how NFC identity verification can safely and securely ingest personal data into potential identity wallets, with assurance of authenticity. Bob Hulsebosch and Wil Janssen of Inverid are joined by Marcel Wendt, CTO …

Reduce identity fraud and news from Inverid

 In this newsletter: Inverid Gartner representative vendor - Wallet Webinar november - Eurostar SmartCheck goes Live - How BCM uses ReadID for their crypto wallet. In 2021, about 23.9 million U.S. residents age 16 or …

Inverid: Webinar Synthetic Identity Fraud

Synthetic Identity Fraud (SIF) is the leading threat to organizations and has overtaken identity theft in frequency and complexity, accounting for 80-85% of all identity fraud cases. Coupled with Generative AI coming into the mainstream …

Inverid: Identity verification on the move

In this newsletter: Veriff partnership, Verified data ingestion with NFC for wallets, New supervisory board member, Fighting synthetic identity fraud, Rare documents


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7511 JX Enschede
PO Box 3536
7500 DM Enschede
  • +31 53 4878178
