
Passenger flow, queue lengths, waiting times, retail analytics and passenger behavior can be determined and relayed in real time

Xovis is an international market leader for intelligent people flow solutions across airports, retail, transportation, and smart buildings. Xovis has been at the forefront of high-precision technology for more than a decade and is helping airports improve passenger flow and rethink their business for better performance. With more than 150,000 Xovis sensors in the field, the Swiss-based company is the market leader in people flow management in the airport and retail industries. Today, nearly a hundred airports around the world count on the combination of Xovis sensors and software solutions to move travelers more smoothly through their facilities, optimize their resource planning and increase traveler satisfaction as well as revenues. Founded in 2008, Xovis has evolved from a three-person start-up to a dynamic company with over 130 employees. Xovis is headquartered at the gates of Switzerland’s capital and has branches in both USA and China.

Passenger satisfaction

Your passengers want to get to their gate quickly and safely. Meanwhile, your business partners need a solid foundation on which to plan their services. The airport tracking solutions from Xovis allow passenger flow to be analyzed and managed. This means you not only optimize your processes, utilization of space and deployment of personnel, but also establish a reliable dialog with your business partners in handling people flow.

The efficiency of terminal operations depends on having reliable data: this is the basis for you to draw correct conclusions in real time and implement effective measures in advance – particularly with an eye on reducing overall operating expenses. Passenger safety and comfort forms the foundation for your business model and is also important to you personally as your goal is to establish trust and strengthen your reputation.

Takeoff with the market leader

Our people counting applications have been tailored specially to airports and pave the way for the smooth management of passenger flow through facilities, efficient processes, good communication and increased passenger satisfaction. Xovis is the leading global partner for the analysis and management of passenger flow. Our industrial, scalable and proven passenger tracking system reaches a whole new level in terms of measurement and allows for new approaches and benchmarks to be set so that the passenger journey and touchpoints at airports are tailored to perfection.

Passenger Tracking System (PTS) for airports

Our PTS solutions are ideal for tracking and managing passenger flow. Their unmatched accuracy and low overall costs over the full-service life are based on a combination of award-winning 3D sensors from the Xovis PC range and the Xovis Suite (XS) software. All of our products are durable and require only minimal maintenance. They generally achieve a quick return on investment.

The sensors record the passenger coordinates as dots, based on which the software calculates and visualizes KPIs in real time, such as waiting times or passenger volumes. The data can also be transmitted to third-party systems. Web and mobile clients are also available.

Precise measurements
Passengers are tracked as dots, even when they are standing only 20 cm from one another. The large detection range of up to 100m2 on an individual sensor and the combination of several sensors into a multisensor allows for the efficient and accurate monitoring of very large areas such as at Kansai International Airport (KIX). The Passenger Tracking System (PTS) from Xovis tracks up to 98% of passengers in the monitored area, including in changing temperature and lighting conditions and in complex facilities.

Reliability & improved passenger experience
This highly reliable system helps operations at airports by supporting everyone involved make the best decisions efficiently and effectively. Live views of real-time data are not only a support for operators but also the passengers, who receive better service thanks to better measures. A few cases in point:

  • The PTS dashboard allows for faster reaction times in the areas of: passenger flow, queue lengths, waiting times, and staff and passenger behavior can be determined and relayed in real time.
  • The PTS automatically detects who belongs to a queue, even when there are several queues and changes in layout where different groups of people are all in the mix together, as is often the case in check-in environments. Staff can thus be allocated accordingly.
  • The 3D sensors are equipped with artificial intelligence and process data directly on the device (edge-computing) – allowing passengers to be counted in line with data protection guidelines. The sensors track and transmit the passengers’ coordinates as distinct dots only.
  • Apart from the sensor, no additional hardware is required. The sensors provide solid and reliable data, strengthening the foundation for transparent management based on facts and thus promoting an improved airport experience – for passengers and staff alike. The result: maximum data security, minimum network load.

Long-lasting system
The PTS from Xovis is a completely industrial, scalable, user-friendly and proven system. As it has a mean time between failures (MTBF) of 25 years and is not dependent on devices that transmit signals, the Xovis PTS represents a secure investment in Swiss quality with an outstanding price/performance ratio.


Xovis AG
Industriestrasse 1
CH-3052 Zollikofen
  • +41 32 342 04 70
